My Priorities

Below are some of my priorities. You can always contact to me at this email: or 

1. Prepare Students for the future

I believe all students should graduate from high school prepared for college, careers, and life. and I will prioritize student opportunities, academic support, and positive school environments. When students are excited to learn, feel welcome, and have support, they will be eager to pursue their dreams and experience academic success.

2. Promote Family Involvement

I believe when we honor family involvement in our schools, we support student success. I value communication feedback systems to the Board and Superintendent, such as the District Parent Advisory Committee (DPAC), and will prioritize empowering parents. 

3. Supporting Teachers & Staff

I believe teachers and school staff give their students a sense of purpose and prepare them to be successful global citizens – they are essential. Attaract and the retention of great treachers must take precedence. Diversity in our staff contributes toward a positive school environment for students. I will support policies that promote staff diversity in our schools. 

4. Build Strong Relationships Between Community        and Schools

I believe students are the center of our schools, and it is important that we move forward as a united front in supporting their success. When we foster positive relationships among students, families, and staff, everyone benefits. I want everyone to be proud of the public schools in our community, and I will work hard to represent your voices in developing solutions and celebrating our successes.

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(612) 440-7933